Sunday, January 22, 2006

Rejected "Transformers: The Movie" concepts

"Destroy the Autobot Matrix. It is the one thing... THE ONLY THING... that can stand in my way. Well, that and a shitload of rubber bands. But where are they going to get... aww, dammit."

"Your knowledge is only overshadowed by your stupidity, Starscream. Max Factor Lipfinity goes on smooth and doesn't get crumbly!"

Why I hate blogs part II
Devoted fan da buttah pointed out to me that I had neglected another group of worthless blogs, The "News Rehash". These blogs attempt to condense page upon page of complex news material reported by CNN and MSNBC (already written at a third-grade reading level, might I add) and Fox News (written at a third-grade liar's reading level) into a mere paragraph or two. And probably not even every day.
"Hey man, did you read about those trapped miners on CNN today?"
"No way, if a story isn't on, it ain't news."

Anyway, on to the shit.
January 20th, 2006
And oh, I watched the american idol preliminary rounds last night. Some people are just tone deaf!!! and may I say, some are not even right in the head... You'd think they're from Crazy Town!!
If there was a sentence worth typing in this entry, nay, this entire blog, I must have missed it. It is a veritable of compendium of "I don't have anything to say today, but, by jove, that won't stop me from typing" entries. Then again, perhaps there's actually genius at work here, too complicated for my feeble mind; or maybe my lack of understanding stems from my roots in Crazy Town.

EDIT: Make sure you check out this entry, "Why I Blog" in which Pretty Goddess lists all the reasons one SHOULDN'T have a blog:


Blogger da buttah said...


and that's all i have to say about that. seriously.

Tue Jan 24, 11:02:00 AM MST  
Blogger Youwish said...

buttah is a genius. did you ever know that shes my hero?

Tue Jan 24, 01:28:00 PM MST  
Blogger Youwish said...

ps...rubberband balls are neat.

Tue Jan 24, 01:28:00 PM MST  

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